X7 Partners

Our Services – Business Process Outsourcing

A professional team of project managers & consultants can supply small businesses, SMEs, government & corporate entities with high quality talent. We can provide outsourced individuals or teams within the broad categories or data, marketing, accounting & software engineering. Our international reach means that we can source employees without borders or constraints.

X7 Partners can provide both teams & individuals to companies broadly in the fields of the 'knowledge economy' thereby saving them costs, freeing up time & allowing them to focus on core areas of their business.


Some Key Points About X7 Partners


Outsourced Software Engineers

X7 provides outsourced programmers ready to develop software solutions for diverse purposes. Our engineers leverage a series of principles, methodologies & best practices to produce high-performing, scalable, and secure software.

Range of Coding Languages & Skills

Sourcing programming talent is very challenging. X7 sources individual engineers or teams in programming languages ranging from data engineering, front & backend devs as well as languages such as C++, C#, Python, SQL, Rust etc.

Compliance with Regulations

Laws that have to be complied with in BPO include data protection laws, employment laws & tax/accounting compliance. X7 also adheres to cybersecurity & confidentiality processes agreed in advance with our clients.


    X7 Partners is a 'knowledge economy' business data analytics,  marketing analytics, financial analysis & BPO consulting firm active in Europe. We benefit our clients through helping them lower costs, identifying and securing opportunities for them, acquiring and deploying talent for them and improving their bottom line.


    Kemp House, 152-160 City Road
    London EC1V 2NX