X7 Partners

Our Fees

Our Fees

Although we have a core of employees we generally provide highly-skilled contractors or teams of contractors to client projects.  The benefits to our clients are as below:

We usually start our process with obtaining an understanding of our client’s requirements and their required scope of service. After this initial audit we obtain full agreement before a client engages our services.  The different ways we are are engaged as a company are listed on this page.

At no stage do we ‘lock in’ our clients with long or restrictive agreements as we firmly believe that our service delivery has to delight and exceed expectations. We assume that there is no other way to build long-term commercial relationships and generate referrals.

Explanation of Charging Models

  1. 1
    Daily Rate Model

    In this charging structure we 'charge-out' our consultants or teams at an agreed daily rate.

  2. 2
    Retainer Model

    Some projects require ongoing consultancy. In this model, our client agrees a monthly retainer and the scope of service in advance.

  3. 3
    Project-Based Pricing

    In this model we price a project and assume tranches of payments at milestones as the project is successfully implemented.

  4. 4
    Success Fee or % of Budget

    If we are tasked with saving money or contributing to the top line then this can form a basis of remuneration. Additionally, in projects involving managing a paid ad campaign, then a % of the advertising spend is a common model.

Service Pricing Table

  • £250-£1100
  • The daily rate would vary based on the field of the consultant (e.g. monthly data analyst, coder or digital marketer) and their level of expertise
  • RETAINER Monthly
  • £450-£1200
  • The above day rate would vary based on the type and scope of service. E.g. monthly data analytics, project management or marketing consultancy would be priced differently
  • £Agreed
  • Here the costing of the project is agreed in advance. Payments are made upon achieving agreed milestones (deliverables or as a % of revenue)

Have any questions?

Simply contact us directly using our contact page ! Our team will be glad to help.

Note that the fees above are quoted in GBP (we can provide a quote in EUR or USD) and are indicative only and subject to an individual assessment of needs. Please contact us to arrange a call (at no cost) where we get to understand your needs.


    X7 Partners is a 'knowledge economy' business data analytics,  marketing analytics, financial analysis & BPO consulting firm active in Europe. We benefit our clients through helping them lower costs, identifying and securing opportunities for them, acquiring and deploying talent for them and improving their bottom line.


    Kemp House, 152-160 City Road
    London EC1V 2NX